March, 2022 Archives

Giamila and I went for a long walk on a cold but bright and beauteous day to have a delicious lunch, followed by a viewing of In The Heat Of The Night, which was even better than I remembered it to be having previously viewed it about 50 years ago. Another long walk and we then stop in to Vanille for mint tea and to share a passion fruit tart. I began this drawing at Vanille but didn’t have the colors I wanted so I finished at home while G Babe worked on her recent embroidery project. A very lovely Sunday. Made more the enjoyable by being deeply and comfortably in love.
Drawn with fountain pen and Pitt Artist Pens on a Clairefontaine Goldline sketchbook.
#fruittart #passionfruittart #vanille #pastry #drawyourday #foodart #pittartistpen #clairefontaine #drawwhatyoueat #fabercastellusa

This may appear as a quiet moment, in which a gentleman enjoys a beverage in a reflective manner. He, we, sat in the largest coffee cafe,  four stories of previously mentioned but unnamed corporate chain cafe, worldwide. Long lines of caffeine hounds queued for their turn a one of several baristas on each floor. A similar wait ensued for their order and the possibility of a place where they might sit to enjoy same. I hurried to capture him, and let go an attempt at including his friends that I may yield my much desired chair to a person hoping to join his friends.
Drawn with a fountain pen and Pitt Artist Pens on a Clairefontaine Goldline Watercolour sketchbook. Once I got home I added the text with a new ink. The appropriately named Antietam by Noodlers. Antietam of course being the day September 17, 2862, during our Civil War, when the largest loss of American lives in a single day occurred, 22,717 killed, wounded or missing.

At North & Wells in Chicago, sits a coffee house that has been the site for an avid if not rabid coterie of chess….enthusiasts? practitioners? maniacs? nuts? That’s it. Chessnuts. Almost exclusively males who exhibit a wide array of styles. Some are the cool, collected strategists. Some chatter continually. Boastful at times. Some get very demonstrative, oozing complaints and protestations most commonly during the raid paced games where a clock is involved and moves are made within a few seconds.
One cat in particular catches my eye in part because he wears a yellow fedora, brim up, and pull down such that his eyes are hidden beneath the wave of his hat with gaze riveted to the maneuvering on the board.

Wagering occasionally takes place, and tempers are raised with contestants parting in a huff, the extended handshake ignored,   but matches often appeared collegial with the appeal of the game and social interaction the primary payoff.

Fountain pen and Pitt Artist Pens on Clairefontaine Goldline Watercolour paper.

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