Heading out to Stockbridge, Massachusetts this weekend to give an illustration workshop at the Norman Rockwell Museum. In addition to being an archive for a chunk of Norman’s estate, the Museum has rotating shows of artist/illustrators ( I’m not one to get into it over those arbitrary lines of demarcation as I’m likely to look at and steal from anybody) and lectures by visiting artist, the very capable and very informative James Gurney among them.
If you enjoy looking at and/or drawing from his body of work,( hey, when we were in our teens we kept the skin magazines hidden under our mattresses and later, when we were in art school back in the 70’s, we were sneakin’ peaks of old Norman), then I’ll just let you figure out where these drawings hail from. If time permits between now and then I hope to rough out a mock illustration for the demo based on a composite of some of his figures. I had thought about bustin’ out a ton of drawings of shoes. Man that dude loved painting shoes. He did every variety of sneaker made in his day among all the other assorted foot wear. As prolific as he was, contemporary styles would keep that cat in a serious sweat trying to document the ginormity of today’s fashion outpouring. As a Chicagoan, I spend my fair share of heartbeats and ducats on public transit where I make the most of my time drawing fellow riders. And their shoes. I could swear to having been on full cars with 50-60 riders and not one duplicate of the exact same shoe. The land of choice. Jesus.
Well, if I can get any of those attending to draw each others’ zapatos, I’ll post ’em for y’all to gander.
Hope you have a swell weekend. I know I’m gonna dig mine.

Off to Stormin' Norman'sville

  • November 10th, 2009
  • Posted in Drawings
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