- Early drawing by Egon Schiele
So, how was ’09 for you? It was productive in a sense for me in that I drew reams of studies, but in many other ways it was quite an ass kicker. I hope y’all are hanging in there money wise. It seems that there’s been a shortage of wise handling of money, and the art market is seriously hobbled but squeezing thru tough times is a hallmark of artists, so, onward, into the fog.
I try to make the New Year’s Day life drawing marthon, 7 AM – 7 PM, at the Palette & Chisel but jobs kept me away again this year, so I’m posting some stuff from years past. Oh, and the last drawing is for Rich, who can’t understand why so many of us revere Egon Schiele. Rich, a nice enough guy who comes to many of the sessions, feels you can’t really draw if you don’t master realist rendering and proportion and yadda yadda…. Well, Rich, how’s this?
So, he got lucky – if that’s what he really looked like.