Man, that was rip-snortin’ good fun. I dug the look and feel of Portland and couldn’t have been surrounded by a warmer and more supportive group of folks. The skill level of presenters and attendees was very high, just go to and take in all the postings to get a sense of things.
- Lapin and attendees drawing at the Ira Keller Fountain
- Frank Chin’s architectural presentation
Went to Union station with Isabel Fiadeiro’s group for some very rapid studies. Very few of those passing in and out held still for long. Did this faint blue study of an old guy that kept changing his position and even moved up and down the bench, very fidgety, as if he was uneasily aware I was observing him. So, besides liking the drawing I did of him cause I caught his posture in very short order, the drawing feels like a ghostly record of souls coming and going.
Hi Don,
Having a real pleasure going through your beautiful and skilful drawings I’m really happy I got to meet you in person at Portland and had the opportunity to see them for real.
hope we meet again