Logan Center for the Arts

I Logan Center for the Arts

I think that the rule known as Occam’s Razor is lost upon a great many of web programmers. Otherwise known as KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), some programmers, in particular, those responsible for the latest “upgrade” to my WordPress admin functions have managed to ballocks up an already awkward methodology for logging in and editing the blog. I have been fighting to remain up to date with entries, but I’m met at frequent intervals with the unrequested fiddlings by some anonymous geek .

This is a message to the idiots who keep fucking with the WordPress admin functions: why so many steps? Things are supposed to become more clear, more user friendly. Trans generational, dig? Whose sense of “intuitive” are you relying on? I was previously able to access all my images on the computer when looking to add media. Now, more asteps are involved. I’m wasting man-hours because you keep changing the rules. This is supposed to be DIY. I didn’t request these changes. You Suck.


End Time Dooddles

  • December 23rd, 2012
  • Posted in Drawings
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