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40 winks

Bus nap Squashed  image image image Dub Mel  T R

I’m sitting in the lobby of a downtown Milwaukee hotel after just jetting in from a St. Louis steam bath. Some of the above images are from StL, some from Iowa, some from the trek to those places, and the nudes are from the 12 hour Labor Day life drawing marathon at the Palette & Chisel in Chicago. And without going on too long about it, I am wrestling with this bloody iPad and the WordPress site that manages my blog. Some of the programmers who set these systems up are staggeringly boneheaded. I may be contending with a learning curve at 60 years of age that sometimes appears like a straight highway across Nebraska, but the Cro Magnon throwbacks setting up these systems would make William of Occam spin like a lath in his grave over their clumsy, counter intuitive, visually spastic notions of how to administered a blog. One seriously seriously time wasting procedure after another. I’ll add more to this post after I cool off.

Fall yet?

  • September 4th, 2014
  • Posted in Drawings
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