
Two really phuc tup days trying to get to Buffalo. Some maniac set fire to the Midwest regional air traffic control center before attempting suicide and gummed up but good travel on that and the following day.

Das line Yamamoto Union jack

After waiting in line for 3 hours to change my flight booking after all flights were cancelled following the fire, I was only given an early morning flight on the next day. So I took the train back into downtown Chicago and went to see the David Bowie exhibit at the I.C.A. Go if you can. Drew 2 of a couple dozen of the costumes he wore.

Bloody brkfst

The next morning I got to the airport and still found Murphy lurking about. The plane was an hour late getting to Chicago and waited an additional 15 minutes for the  right steward/ stewardess crew to arrive on yet another flight. I got into Buffalo  a half hour late for a demo at the downtown art store. The nonsense didn’t end there. My cabbie was not sure where to go and kept asking me to repeat the address and confused the name of the business repeatedly. Mind you, we were headed to the main north south street through the center of downtown Buffalo called…..yup, MAIN STREET. 910 Main Street.

Our Waif Stumbles To Buffalo

  • September 27th, 2014
  • Posted in Drawings
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