The relocated Megabus stop. Five blocks from Union station. Five blocks from restrooms. Five blocks from shelter. Five blocks from food. Five blocks from where it out to be. This is gonna feel really isolated at night and in the winter. Our mayor and his planning commissioner are clueless or they’re engaging in pay to play.

So we’ve had the first debate and still this Buffoon has his apologist.
A drawing from the bus ride to Madison from Chicago where I had to replace a travel suitcase that had lost a wheel way back in Fargo. While the rooster tail of sparks was cool and made me feel like a low rider, it just became a matter of public safety that the old bag had to go.

For the 5th year, I will head out across the country, this time trekking down the middle, from the mountains to the Mississippi, over the Oglalla and amber waves of grain, to sketch and share craft and discoveries with a whole mess of folks. To follow my journey, go to: doncolleysroadtrip.com.

The trek began with an 8 hour layover at the Twin Cities airport and  a late arrival in gorgeous Bozeman. From there I made it to the Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument. Go. Hallowed ground. The markers indicating where the combatants fell give and amazing sense of the raging and rambling nature of the battle. From there, Sheridan, Wyo, and a long bus ride to Fargo, where the biplane was drawn at the Fargo Air Museum. The West has to be experienced by bus by car and by train with frequent stops.
All drawings executed with various fountain pens, Lamy Accent, Graf Von Faber-Castell Classic Ebony, using Platinum Carbon ink, grease pencil, and a ide array of F-C Pitt Artist Brush Pens in several types of sketchbooks: Strathmore toned sketchbooks, Moleskine landscape formate watercolor sketchbook, Stillman & Birn Epsilon, Tomoe River Paper sketchbook, and a ledger book from the 1950’s.