Went to Salt Lake City for my first time in the state of Utah besides the one time I changed planes in the SLC airport. What a location, jeez! I knew it would be dramatic from having flown over it and from images and conversations with former residents but I was jazzed to be there. Had Saturday off so I rented a car with a friend and we drove 2 hours plus north to see Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty. And while There are other state capitols that rival Utah’s for grandeur, I have personal favorites, the Capitol buildings in Austin, Texas, Madison, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Denver, Colorado, the setting of Utah’s Capitol is as breath taking as any to be found. 

Get yourself up to the Utah Museum of Natural History by the campus of the University of Utah. The museum is handsome, the displays are superb and the view of the valley gives a sense why Brigham Young may have said,”This is it boys!” I may have paraphrased there. If you like to draw dinosaurs, this museum is for you.

Salt Lake City No Longer in the Wish List Bucket

  • March 10th, 2017
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