This may appear as a quiet moment, in which a gentleman enjoys a beverage in a reflective manner. He, we, sat in the largest coffee cafe, Ā four stories of previously mentioned but unnamed corporate chain cafe, worldwide. Long lines of caffeine hounds queued for their turn a one of several baristas on each floor. A similar wait ensued for their order and the possibility of a place where they might sit to enjoy same. I hurried to capture him, and let go an attempt at including his friends that I may yield my much desired chair to a person hoping to join his friends.
Drawn with a fountain pen and Pitt Artist Pens on a Clairefontaine Goldline Watercolour sketchbook. Once I got home I added the text with a new ink. The appropriately named Antietam by Noodlers. Antietam of course being the day September 17, 2862, during our Civil War, when the largest loss of American lives in a single day occurred, 22,717 killed, wounded or missing.