Category: Drawings

Jason x 6

As I have for the last dozen years, I rose early to scoot downtown to the Palette & Chisel for their annual New Year’s Day Life Drawing Marathon. Got in at 7:30 am and left for an early supper at 4 pm. Left this year with a few I liked.

layer out

On the way in and warming up with a sketch of a gent sleeping it off.

seated Lean back Trio sprints Twist Left over right Back Pair Rear contrposto Front


All drawings in this post were drawn in a ruled journal with Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens. While I like the surface and ivory color of the paper, and feel that it has a nice fidelity to the marks, producing a clean edge void of feathered lines, the drying time of the inks is fairly quick so I have next to no time to smudge or dab all but the heaviest and wettest application of ink. Most of the black line work was done with a Pitt Artist Pen with a 1.5 in which produces a strong line with some, though modest, variance of line width. Minimal use was made of a Pelikan M250 Tortoise with a gold B nib that is a dream to draw with but the slight sizing didn’t let me put her thru the gears.

Just a side note, I used to identify the models by their first names sometimes as a way to help catalogue so many drawings, i.e., Pete 1, Pete 2, Mary standing 1, etc. but one of the models who had an unusual name that was also shared by a porn star, started getting harassed by co-workers when one or more of those jackasses discovered the nude drawings of her, downloaded them, and e-mailed them to her colleagues. I had to go back to all those drawings and re-edit and in some cases, delete them from my website.

just another example of the upside/downside to this wonderfully virulent tool.




HLeopard headset

One striking woman connected to some place, who knows where. Red highlighted hair, leopard skin head set, peacock blue scarf, gold lip gloss and finger polish, snake skin bag, and all I had was a set of gray Pitt Pens. We exchanged a couple of very brief glances so she may have been aware I was drawing her but did not seem self conscious or flustered.

 Coralise regular airport bound Stripe Reclined seated flick wait  Hood Headphones Top locks Sweep Fuzzy bombers

Closing out the Year

Nude Dude

Catching up with posting some of the drawings from the last 3 months. I haven’t been keeping a regular practice of drawing from nude models and I think that shows at times in the uneven examples of trying to get a worthwhile drawing in 25 minutes. The drawings. Are usually executed in the Faber-Castellated pigmented Pitt Pens that have been my workhorse in addition to fountain pens. The models asymmetrical eyes bug the shit outta me but that’s all in the realm of spontaneous drawing with no erasure. I truly enjoy and value working that way but one is guaranteed to get the bloopers that torment, but may in time inform and alert one.

the drawings of the male with the staff were draw ar Forestall Art Center in Birminham, Al. Long time favorite Melissa modeled out in Wheaton. The male model below posed at San Clemente Art Supply.

Relaxed bulge Support  Miss M Pony tailed AlternatorBackSan Clem 1 San Clem3 San Clem 2 Twins

The gentleman above was captured as he drew Melissa. I’m pretty inconsistent in getting a likeness, but I was on the money in the version on the left. He was quite intense in his gaze. Holding you sketchbook thus while drawing for 25 minutes isn’t the easiest thing to manage so he constantly shifted his weight and posture and made many raptor-like faces. On the right, I lost the feel of him and rounded his features a bit, also clipped his nose a tad and pulled the cheek crease from his nose to far into the lateral plane of his face. That was enuff to loose the likeness. Oh well…

Drawing the Bahd


In need of some life drawing on an unseasonably warm mid December eve, I went to the old haunt, Palette & Chisel.

Boot & reclinee a Pose 1 Crossed arms Pose 5 CTA doos

Drawn in a toned Strathmore sketchbook and a lined Paper Blanks journal with Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Brush Pens of various nib sizes.

Flesh Time @ the Palette & Chisel

Multnomah Falls

Zig zagged the great Nothwest earlier in the Fall. The land is as varied as it gets, wet to dry, forests of green behemouths to bald desert, mountainous to flat. A six hour car ride takes you across a spectacular array of Earthly possibilities.

My. Rainier at breakfast Development in Maple Shade Powell's Along the Columbia Umatilla Chinese Lantern Festival Spokane

Northwest Meanderings

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