Category: Drawings


Ah, the marvels of cachet. Above you see my Pelikan M215 lying across a page wherein I used the delightful little fellow. Always concerned that I may loose the beauty while traveling here and there, that worry has increased dramatically. Why? Because this little guy was bought about four years ago for $90. At that time the pen was going for $110 and shortly thereafter the price rose to $140. It writes and draws very nicely, a feature I’ve found to be a hallmark of the Pelikan line. I was also smitten with it’s suave looks comfortable feel, and the minimal rise above the clip so that it clung deep in the pocket with barely much sticking out that made me feel more secure about having it at the ready rather than tucked away in a pen case or backpack. While it didn’t have the heft and girth of the M800s or M600s, it was comfortable in the hand with enough length should I want to use it unposted and not too long nor top heavy when I used it posted giving me the extra length when I chose to cradle it further back on the barrel. Hence..

.Unposted Posted

Now as stated above, this pen is a very good performer and a much valued member of my arsenal of drawing implements. When those not accustomed to using fountain pens and finer writing tools hear that I’m drawing with a pen that costs $100-$200 dollars their eyebrows either spring up or furrow as they wonder why I would use such an expensive pen. The questions that follow ask if it has expensive materials, gold maybe, or some hi-tech substance from the aerospace industry. And they can and sometimes do contain valuable materials, such as gold, or palladium, or sterling silver, ebony and other expensive woods, petrified wood and woolly mammoth bone. Seriously. Some have jade, are handmade, might be turned on a lathe, carved or lacquered by some revered for their old world craftsmanship. One beautiful example has a barrel of braided horse hair and it has to be seen and felt to be truly appreciated. And their prices reflect those qualities, you can drift above $400 easily enough and if you’re flush and feeling ostentatious, why not open the wallet and make it rain baby?! There’s $2,000, $4,000, and $10,000 pens out there sure to bring on the back slapping at your board meetings.

But this pen, the Pelikan M215 is not one of those. It is a mass produced pen that was meant to fill the realm between starter pens and the medium to more valuable while being dependable and stylish. The stainless steel nib helped keep it’s price down and if you really wanted to upgrade the nib it was very easy to replace it with one of a number of gold Pelikan nibs that would fit the M215.

Pelikan was a terrific company and had a price range that would bring in timid newbies and reward the hard core who demanded impressive looking and performing pens with tradition. They were not the haughty and, in this users’ opinion, much overpriced Mont Blancs that know nothing execs with lousy handwriting pull out to guarantee those present that nothing but the best will do for them.

Buuuut, the creep is on. Because Pelikan, like many corporations looking to maintain their profit margins despite a major hit on many products, and the finer writing tools in particular,  since the downturn in the economy 7 years ago, has turned to pushing their prices up. Want to know how things are going in the world of fine pen sales? Well the internet and e-Bay have taken their toll on the brick and mortar businesses, but sales of a discretionary nature, say fountain pens that costs $250 and up, are not the got-to-have by so many in the finance and tech industry that have been more guarded about their ducats and job security. Ask the former owner of one of Chicago’s 2 premier writing stores who threw in the towel after more than 20 years of business. And have a chat with the other fellows there in the Loop by the Board of Trade on how it’s going.

So, for a moment, let’s turn our attention to the real estate market. What’s moving as of late? Them old luxury condos and homes. Many are deciding to hold off on buying, and since the focus has been on those still having jobs in the tech, finance, and legal businesses, building affordable priced housing and ample rental units just hasn’t appealed to developers, who like catering to the winners of the day in the economic times of musical chairs. Thus, no surprise, rental rates are rising. At a rate faster than median income. Oh well…we’ve seen this before. Applied to college lately?

Back to our friends at Pelikan. Last year the price had risen to $190 MSRP. Deals could be had on line for $160, $140, or someone in Eastern Europe might dump a few on eBay for less than that, but the march was in full stride. How much does that M215 go for now? Well, I walked into Levenger’s in Macy’s the other day to see if by chance a sale might mean I could get a back up in the event my little banded black beauty gets stolen or goes missing. I have lost 3 pens and had another 3 stolen during my cross country travels.

Not only was their no sale, but the pen was now fetching a price tag of $225!!! WTF! Did they add gold to the nib? Nope. Perhaps because of glowing pen reviews by influential bloggers, the inherent qualities of a pen considered good for it’s price point over recent years, and/or encouraging sales, and a desire to take advantage of Mont Blanc’s heady lead, the captains at Pelikan’s ship have boldly pushed the pen’s price towards the wallet range of the economic winners. Compare the MSRP of another quality German fountain pen, Lamy’s Studio. Lamy L Studio

I own 2 of these beautiful pens that are swell writers, elegantly designed and being made of metal, have a serious presence in the hand. The blue one has a stainless steel nib and  a coating that prevents slippage and the platinum grey dude has a 14k gold nib. Price? The stainless steel nib lists between $99-$74, I picked mine up a few years back for around $65. The 14k pen list between $214-$199 with eBay prices dropping that to $174 and occasionally less than that. But that still begins less than the Pelikan and it has a 14k nib for the love of mercy. Is Pelikan experiencing a different rate of German inflation than Lamy?

You may also consider the TWSBI 580, seen below, a pen from Taiwan, the previous model TWSBI Diamond 540 was voted Pen Of The Year a few years back. TWSBI

I own the Diamond 540 and the 580 and the are terrific to draw with produce a fluid and strong line. They go for $50-$80, roughly the prices I purchased mine at.

There has been a marked rise in artists using fountain pens, witness the work on the websites that feature Urban Sketchers. Gee, maybe they’re all doing gangbusters in the recent market bounce and pen makers will now capitalize on that newly addicted crowd since they must be reaping the upswing in the economy with steady streams of sketches flying out the door in a tornado of sales.

I still hope to score one for backup by hauling one in off eBay should someone look to unload theirs around $100. In my mind, it is a choice pen for $100-$125 I’ll allow, but I will not go near the unjustifiable MSRP of $225. Ballocks to their price margin and Mont Blanc wanna be aspirations!

The Swelling Pelikan


By by the Block Museum on the campus of Nortwestern Univ after high winds and a hail storm blew thru.

Pulaski pk

Movie night at Pulaski Park, Chicago.

Untitled UoC Rand brdg


Faber-Castell Pitt Pens, various fountain pens, Platinum Carbon ink, Strathmore toned sketchbook.



Summertime Loitering in Chicagoland


Haven’t been drawing from the model much for some months. Caught the figure above while conducting Urban Sketching workshops in Chicago. I was at the Palette & Chisel and saw Larry Paulsen so I ran upstairs to his figure drawing class and got in an hour of a long pose. Below, a page I’ve kept working on, adding the skulls next to previously drawn poses. I made use of a Pitt Artist Pen Big Brush White and a white grease pencil to help pull some features out of the tangle of over sketching, aka pentimento.

The shoulder area is so important that I wanted to draw x-ray super-imposed bones of that region into the figures’ but the drawing became cluttered enough so I intend to work some of those up at a later date.

Work page1Work page2

The ledger book I’ve been working in, above, has been a real joy and takes the inks beautifully.

Steel Yard

When back to Cleveland for a bit more than 24 hours. Much to short of a visit, intended to get to the Garfield Mausoleum but that’ll have to be on the next trip. Did make it to Cleveland’s Steel Yards, where the steel giant Arcelor Mittal still has a mill crank in’ away.

Midway Freight elev Kevin

The drawing above is Think Media’s cameraman Kevin, in the backseat of an SUV with head cranked most uncomfortably against the ceiling in order to film me as I draw him.

all drawn with Faber-Castwll Pitt Artist Pens.

Rust Revisited

Washington Square Park WSqPk Brkn hrt Conductor LK

Urban Sketchers Chicago Sketching Seminar

  • July 13th, 2015
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