Back in court. Cook County Courthouse, Skokie, IL, the Honorable F. Andreou presiding, Officer Valenza of the Cook Co. Sheriff Police, Cook Co. Clerk BH. Went to cover a specific case, the defendant was still incarcerated and trial date got moved. Stuck around to draw and watch proceedings which were a combination of Zoom meetings and and one witnessed that actually appeared in the courtroom.
I logged into the Zoom feature so I could see close ups of the judge, defendants, witnesses, and counsel but my very expensive iPhone kept dropping the signal. As a result, didn’t get the best representation of Judge Andreou nor Clerk BH but the attending lawyers and Deputy Valenza all felt the officer was clearly identifiable. One lawyer comment that I even got his salt ‘n’ pepper at the temples.
“Shucks ma’am, that’s my job.” {Mic drop}
Draw with fountain pen, DeAtramentis Document Brown Ink, and Pitt Artist Pens on a Rhodia Dot Grid notebook.

Went to court yesterday. Dude drawing = plaintiff desribing a prison fight he was involved with. Fellow in lower right hand corner = defendant, prison guard who observed the fight. Catch that? Drawing as admissible evidence. Make the case for drawing to be included in primary education along with reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmatic. (rendering?) It appears that the fellow in the lower right corner has a box of cracker Jacks under his shirt, but, I’ll have to say I go all gooey with my forms at times. I’ve been meaning to correct it, but then it wouldn’t be as amusing.
I went to Pioneer Court downtown Chicago for the Turkish Festival where I coped these festival goers before the clouds let loose their bladders. I had just the perfect spot under the over hang of the Illinois Housing Development Authority in on of the great American urban centers to sketch the Trump Tower and the Wrigley Building clock tower during the deluge.

The usual suspects – Pitt Artist Pens, fountain pen, grease pencil, Strathmore toned paper, Utrecht sketchbook.

Labored over an illustrating gig, got back in court to sketch at a murder trial, and drawing out and about both solo and with friends. No change in materials though the smaller drawings are in a Pentalic book w/ unlined, ivory colored paper. Has some bleed thru traits so I probably won’t use one of these again once I finish with it. Not being able to draw on both sides checks the number of spreads I’ll do and means I don’t get full use out of one. I do like how they’re bound and the cover’s nice but they have a touch too deep of a gutter. Fountain pen inks wanna seep thru the page. The drawings on toned paper, which I favor when drawing in court, are in a Utrecht sketchbook.

The fellow in the green shirt, a witness at a murder trial, the guy who discovered the body of the victim, was getting a rough going over from the defense attorney.

Threw in some life drawings from the old haunt, the Palette & Chisel, from Feb & Jan. Heading off to Texas later this month while I’ll try to run down some life drawing venues there, not to mention some of that awesome central Texas BBQ. Maybe I can find some bar-b-que slathered nudes to draw while I’m at it.

Oh and uhm, here’s a recent sketch for an illustration job I just finished just to show folks I do, once in a blue moon, pick up a pencil and noodle around with them.