Flew into Denver and drove on a stellar day to Santa Fe for a week. Above is the impressive Scottish Rite Masonic Temple of Santa Fe. Open only to members, I had to settle for a perch on a ledge to get a choice view.
airport travelers in Midway and dude sitting curbside for bus from Denver airport to downtown. Below that, storm clouds move in over Union Statin in downtown Denver.

Went to Denver for work and nosed about the city for a few days. Standing a block away from  the capitol building with it’s refurbished gold dome, I grabbed a morning sketch before heading off to Meininger’s to put in several hours demonstrating at a terrific art store. Started by current owner Henry Meininger’s grandfather, the strore’s customers included Frederick Remington and Charles Russell. As I drew the golden dome that morning from my vantage spot by a bus stop on Broadway, I got to witness the comings and goings of a few of Denver’s street dealer’s in an open air exchange of the recently legalized herb.
Got lazy and grabbed a cab ride with fellow artist, raconteur and long time amigo Franz Spohn from Denver International airport and rode into town with a clear panoramic view of the Rockies out the cabbies’ windshield. A couple nights later, went to an evening event at the Denver Museum of Art and took an hour to sit by a large window and cop a sketch of the capitol dome stretching above a wing of the museum.