Four weeks in Italy. First stop, Venezia. First surprise, no tourist. We were them. Longs walks about the city were without crowds of any sort. Restaurants had 1:3 occupancy and those were Italians, many were workers and locals.
It had been 44 years since I was last there.

The flight was uneventful. Chicago to Dublin, switch planes and then fly to Venice. The alps are so close! When we landed at the airport across the water from Venice and then boarded the bus to Venice we could see very clearly the peaks of the Italian Alps and at that time of day, late afternoon, they were pink.
We had very enjoyable meals out and about but we also cooked some at our apartment. If you choose to do that, you’re well served to go to the Fish Market alongside the main canal. Not only was the selection of fish absolutely superb, the produce was glorious! It was December for Pete’s sake.
I returned to some locations I had first seen as a college kid. The Tintorettos and Tiepolos were grand. I spent over two and a half chilly hours sketching and gawking at huge Tintoretto canvases, and could have stuck around for another few hours but Giamila was chilled to the bone by then and the dinner bell was ringing.

Been traveling a bunch lately and adding some from here, some from there as I sit at the airport gate. Four different airports comprise this sketch.
Pitt Artist Pens on a homemade sketchbook using mulberry paper.

Gosh, I miss life drawing. I draw from life on a regular if not daily basis. But to draw the human body, uncovered, to really slow down and take an intense accounting of this marvel of the world. To see the structure and the substructure while capturing the play of light over the form. In the past two years I’ve barely drawn the nude and have stopped attending live sessions. I gave the virtual, online live session a go but there is a subtle spatial difference of drawing from a screen, a two dimensional surface filmed from the singular perspective of a lense and standing before a figure. When drawing live, in the same space before a model, I feel the negotiation between my two eyes. The very tricky play of parallax which creates the jostling of binocular vision.
And the craft of translating the third dimension onto a plane. Dealing with the slow fatigue of the model holding 15 and 25 minute poses, where the greater the difficulty of their pose, the more the wrestling match with gravity creates settling of the body, and the not always slight twists which may ease the strain of the pose but tease the artist to accommodate new profiles and morphing negative spaces. I miss it and I love it. All that and the accounting of lights nuanced play over the form. Again, each minute shift means light edges and slips to new real estate.
I enjoy looking at this marvel that is us.
Every sleek contour, every wrinkle, crevice, bulge, scar, wart, hollow, hump, jut, droop, dimple. The heft and hang, the flab and fold, the sheen and shade, where there’s hair, where it’s spare, the stretched and gathered, the glint of light on pout or snout or knuckle or nail.
Ah and skin. That marvelous organ which wraps and conceals all that writhes and wriggles beneath. At times dry and cottony, other times it more resembles satin or warm alabaster where one can literally see light penetrating it’s surface.
And the extraordinary dance between the hand and eye, and the mind and the heart that is the craft of drawing. The Thesaurusian challenge to describe as simply as possible or with as wide an alphabet of marks as one may, the same features again and again and with tireless return, again with no loss of delight.
Know thyself.
I’ve been missing it.

Drawn with a variety of fountain pens – usually with water proof pigmented ink or water resistant inks some of which are dyes, white grease pencils -aka White China Markers, my trusty Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens, on the rare occasion a color pencil, on various papers.