It would be so worth it to take a crash course on operating these earth movers. Playing in the mud and dirt on a grand scale. Truth be told, I never learn anything quickly, so a crash would probably mean I crash those behemoths.

In the above sketch, the earth mover on the right has pontoons which help it float.
Drawn with a number of different fountain pens and Pitt Artist Pens.
The work continues. I didn’t want it but that’s besides the point now. It is fascinating to watch a construction site from such a vantage point. I haven’t asked for permission, and doubt that I’d get it, to don a hard hat and get on site to draw. There’s been such an array of Earth moving equipment and now as you can see from the sixth image below, they have started building the central tower for the main crane.
All drawings are with Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens on either Tomoe River Paper, in a Moleskine Watercolor sketchbook, or in a Stillman & Birn watercolor sketchbook, or a Hahnemule sketchbook.