Wel, well, well. I had been truly saddened by Faber-Castell’s decision to discontinue the Big Brush Pitt Artist Pens. I raised a fuss. Actually contacting the company to share my thoughts about losing a tool I regarded as essential in my array of drawing gear. Capable of laying down a broader swath of pigmented ink, it not only provided greater, faster coverage than the original Pitt Artist Pen, a tool those of you familiar with my work know I cherish, but a much wetter stroke that was then easily smudged, wiped, smeared and blotter before it dried and then became waterproof. I was….well, I was pissed!!
But, I think it was clear a large brush was crucial in filling more page and working live in dynamic settings. When I’m in a hurry and drawing a scene that could change, I need the efficiency of laying down lots of tone, color and including my fingers to get as much texture and descriptive marks as possible.
so Faber-Csstell has come out with a Dual Nib Marker. As you see in these photos, one end has the big brush I referred to and a new, .8mm nib. Shown next to the PAP medium nib which is a .7mm nib, the .8mm gives a strong line which is a good compliment to the flexible big brush.

Looking closely at the two scans of the masked woman in the blue coat, drawn while I was on the bus with her, you can clearly see not only do I use different size nibs,a medium fountain pen nib, a 1.5 bullet nib PAP, a regular brush nib PAP, but also a Big Brush nib. On her coat I’ve even put to use an Ice Blue #148 on the collar, and the Sky Blue #146 for the folds and the main parts of the coat with successive lays to deepen the hue. In addition I use my fingers to smear and blot wet pigment as evidenced on her ball cap and the shadow behind her hair bun. On her cheeks and on her hat fingerprints create micro hatched. Those were easily added by sweeping my thumb across the bigger brush nib then quickly stamping the page.
In the lower left corner of the above page is a sketch I did while watching a YouTube video interview. My principal tool was a Faber-Castell .5mm Warm Grey IV Pitt Artist Pen. See how many individual strokes I had to use, and how many times I had to keep going over some areas to fill in and darken areas such as her cheeks, eye sockets and hair. Resembling a #2 graphite pencil in value and hue, it took a lot of work to build up the image. Again, all while she was, listening, smiling and talking. I finally went over the hair with a Warm Grey V PAP which helped deepen the value and solidify her hair.
One little detail to note: the few Dark Naples Ochre you see that were my initial lines to minimally lay in her proportions.
LARD A MERCY! Finally. Scanner’s working after 3+ months. Sorry to all my viewers for letting the site go stale. I’ve been drawing my little knuckles to the bone during that time so I’ll be posting drawings in frequent clusters in the coming weeks. I’ve been out on the road and even went to my first Dr. Sketchy’s while out in Seattle so I’ll give y’all the what’s up regarding that. My thanks to all who continued checking in to see if I was still alive or if I’d given up drawing and had gone to crush grapes in a monastic order that made jams and balsamic vinegars. All drawings are in a Quo Vadis planner on Clairefontaine paper. Cheers, Darn.