Tagged: Prints

New Woodcut/Silkscreen print,

9”x9”, edition size 10. Published & printed by Franz Spohn @Y Knot Print. $500. Message me if interested.




Forty-sum years of graphic misadventures.
A couple dozen prints, some hand colored, and a buncha sketches wherein the ideas were developed for those prints. Check in with C.R. Ettinger Studio for images and price which will be posted by next week (Oct 10thish).

Bad Impressions


Dropped into Madison to visit Madison College, The University of Wisconsin, and Edgewood College, and received the offer from Barry Carlsen to do a print. Worked on a two color lithograph over the weekend. Above is the proof. It’ll be editioned later this fall. Worked from a sketch (below) done about 8 years prior.

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Barry Carlsen

Master printer Barry Carlsen above. Sketch of the studio done with Pitt Artist Brush Pens in Strathmore toned sketchbook.

Jumped Onna Stone

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