Late afternoon at the evolving banks of North Pond. Got the mini earth mover and most of the landscape done when a workman came along, hopped in, fired it up, and rode off to the level the banks elsewhere. I was attracted to this scene because the tilt of the vehicle parked on the slope of the embankment looked as if it was slowly losing the battle with gravity.
Fountain pen and Pitt Artist Pens on a Rhodia Dot Grid notebook.
Absolutely spectacular day in Chicago. Brilliant light, mild temp, people out & excited. This is Chicago coming out of a long winter like the butterfly from the chrysalis. Shot to Green City Farmers Market in Lincoln Park. Ate a baked good, & with a blues band playing to the shoppers, looked for a subject to eat up a good hour.
Enter Primordial Foods, purveyors of gourmet mushrooms & micro greens, from Bloomington, Ind. Loved the backlighting. Still serving customers as the afternoon traffic started thinning, one gent was seated & I was attracted to his shadowy profile balancing the standing figure of his partner.
Of course, of course, you guessed it, up he got as a second customer came up to the stall. I worked on the tent, table and mushroom monger #2 with the possibility he’d return to the chair, as the composition was a bit heavily weighted on the right. In time he did, then got right back up. Got on the phone, walked about the tent & behind me as he talked. Kept working & he kept teasing with the chair. As I stated, the market was nearing the end of a long day, so, did what I refrain from doing. That is interfering with the natural order of the universe. I walked over as they were without customers & said, “Hi gents. Been sketching y’all,(showed ‘em my progress), & I’m gonna break my rule and ask if you could return to that chair.” They smiled, dude #1 said ,”Sure, I could have a seat.” Said if you gotta get up for customers or start packing soon that’s cool. I just need about 8 minutes to toss you in. Intros made, Tom’s seated, Dylan tending the table, I got down to it. I mean, what about this day wasn’t life on the good side fellas? You’re young, making money, selling good product, in a beautiful setting, on a glorious day. Tom, my man, poured in that chair, with a cool breeze off the lake, blues music stirring the soul, the close of a job well done, you are the poster child of Got It Made In The Shade pardner.
Got him. Showed ‘em. Said I’d finish the sketch while they packed.
All packed up, pics were taken, hands got shaken, I wished those two fine fellas well & a safe return to lovely Bloomington.
Fountain pen and Pitt Artist Pens on Clairefontaine Rhodia notebook.
#primordialfoods #drawyourday #sketch
The booth of Henry’s Farm, Evanston Farmers Market. Fountain pen and Pitt Artist Pens on a Rhodia unlined notebook.