Tagged: Search Engine Salad

To those who’ve followed me for years, as well as people more recently showing interest, I think you’ll notice I have not been posting with regularity.

The reason being that it has come to be an arduous Drag to post on this platform. Slow. S-s-s-loooooow. sssssssssssllloooooooooooww.
As molasses in January. I try numerous times to download images from my files and more and more, the image does not move to where I can enter it into a new post. So I try again. And again. Super frustrating!! It might take 3-4 attempts over 9-10 minutes. Then I later find the image is now located in my library once for each number of times I tried to get it entered. WTF!

Another frustration is the whole new game of key words. Hastags just don’t seem to get it done. What, there aren’t key words or key phrases used in my meta tags?? Baloney.
Worked in the past but NOW I need to pay some pro to help me build a following. Well, I ain’t gonna do it! More Baloney.

I wrote to the support team that their new algorithms and sluggish posting process was chewing up an undo amount of this “creative”’s time. Inefficient processes and mysterious algorithms do not help me spend more of the time I need, which is to make the work I’m trying to post on this platform.
The response was to discontinue dialogue.

I also find the Comments section closed at times. Why is that?! I don’t close it myself.

As a result, I used other platforms to show my work and my numbers on my WordPress admin site show I’m withering on the vine.
This is happening on a number of social media platforms. If this cannot get improved I may throw in the towel after 15 years of posting on WordPress. We’ll see.

Thanks in advance for following me if this all comes to a halt. I’m super pissed with many of the social media platforms, but my infrequency of posting is a clear sign of my frustration with the nerds who manage WordPress and the programmers who write the algorithm codes. This site is not easy and smooth to use. In fact, it sucks.

The future will see what comes of this.

-Don Colley – Butt Nekkid Doodles

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